There are over 1,000 American Society for theAlexander Technique certified teachers nationwide. How can you find a good teacher? I will give you some suggestions by telling the story of how I found my first Alexander Technique teacher.

It was late May 2003 in Rio, Brazil, where I am from. A friend of mine mentioned this incredible experience he had with an Alexander Technique lesson. He was excited and insisted that I should experience it.

At that time, this friend and I were part of an experimental theater study group that had a vision of creating a theater school. We were responsible for the ‘mind-body-movement’ field, because of our background. I had been dancing since I was 4 years old, teaching different alternative movement techniques since 1992, studying physical therapy and also had completed a contemporary dance degree.

Five of my colleagues and I walked up a steep slope until we got to the Alexander Technique studio. I had no physical pain yet I did have some emotional distress in my life. Nevertheless, that wasn’t the reason for taking the lessons. The only motive I had was my longing for new experiences that would enhance my personal and professional quest. I wanted to better understand the relationship between thought, emotion and action in everyday life.

I had no more specific idea what I was going for. I didn’t even follow the typical protocols when one is beginning a new activity such as:

·      Reading about the subject
·      Calling the teacher
·      Reading the website
·      Getting information about the teacher’s background

Nonetheless, my first lesson was remarkable and life-changing! I have never felt such integration of my mind and body working together while performing activities before in that way. I was lucky to find one of the best teachers I have ever met so far!

After that powerful first meeting, I felt I had to learn more, so I continued to study for the next 3 years with this extraordinary teacher. During the first year, having lessons twice a week, I decided that I wanted to become an Alexander Technique teacher.

I learned from the lessons that my life-experience was based on how I carried myself. In other words, my daily personal and professional relationships were influenced by my own body-mind tendencies such as holding my breath, tensing my legs and contracting my shoulders. The Alexander Technique lessons also taught me about the importance of giving time for myself to become aware of all my body, mind and emotional habits.

I learned very quickly that the lessons weren’t about corrections, but about discoveries. It was about finding new ways to change old patterns.

Today, after 13 years, I am still benefiting from Alexander Technique’s physical, mental and emotional improvements. I continue to distill the depth and meanings of its concepts. These discoveries and benefits to living is what move me forward to share this technique with others!

As for my first teacher, Roberto, I owe a debt of gratitude and I always reconnect with him to advance my skills when I go to Brazil.

Before experiencing an Alexander Technique lesson, I would suggest getting as much information as possible. In my opinion, finding out which ‘lineage’ or ‘school’ the teacher is coming from is crucial. Frederick Mathias Alexander, the founder of this technique, trained Walter Carrington, Marjory Barlow, Marjorie Barstow and Patrick Macdonald, among others, in the 1930s. This first generation of students later had their own training courses. Each one has his/her own style of teaching and perhaps own understanding about the Alexander Technique.

I currently teach the Alexander Technique and have a strong influence from Walter Carrington’s ‘school’. Not only because my Brazilian teacher graduated with him in 1992, but also because Walter was an inspiration at my 3-year teacher training course at Oregon Center for the AlexanderTechnique in Portland, Oregon. Because I believe that expanded understanding of other schools is useful to the work, I learn from and embrace other styles of teaching the Alexander Technique as my career evolves.

It is helpful to get as informed as possible. However, you should have your own direct experience, and let that be your truest guide about how to proceed. It is also important to begin Alexander Technique lessons with an open-minded attitude. This will help you and the teacher to reach your goals. Useful goals for the lessons and benefits you can expect from them are very good questions which I will discuss in future posts.

Good luck with your search!