
1. How many AT lessons do I need?

Alexander Technique is an individualized educational process. So regardless of the reason that brings you to explore the Alexander Technique (back pain, neck pain, anxiety, depression, stress, bad posture, curiosity, self-knowledge), you are going to enter to an educational process.

In this process, you become aware of habitual responses and you learn how to pause right before responding to a stimulus.

When we learn something new, such as a new language or a new musical instrument, it is very difficult to quantify exactly how many lessons it will take to learn and master these new complex skills.

Similarly, because people have different backgrounds, needs and understanding,  the time  range for  learning the Alexander Technique  varies from one person to another.

2. What is the AT teacher doing when working on the table and putting hands on  a pupil? Is it an energy work?

Energy is in everything and everywhere. However, this is not specifically what we do as Alexander Technique teachers.

We put hands on a pupil to get a sense of  muscle tension/tone and to understand the habitual patterns of response. We also use our hands to kinesthetically transmit information about the practice of pausing and about other AT’s concepts. 

3. If I have a degenerative bone condition, what would be the benefit of me taking the Alexander Technique Lessons?

We can’t expect that through the Alexander Technique lessons you are going to regenerate a bone, to reattach a fractured bone or to suddenly heal your acute tendinitis.

Nonetheless, the lessons can help you to better cope with pain and often result in pain relief.

Lessons also help to undo habitual responses that may have contributed to creating or sustaining  an unhealthy condition. 

Deborah Bayardino George
Alexander Technique Teacher
AmSAT Certified

"You translate everything, whether physical, mental or spiritual, into muscular tension." 
F.M. Alexander